Rank#1|progress#0|realmoney#0|timestamp#30/01/2025 10:00 GMT
LastUpdated#01-02-2025 21:27 (UK)
Here’s how it works:
- 1 Opt in by predicting which of the featured drivers will finish the race ahead of the rest of the field.
- 2 Stake €10 cash on eligible slots during the promotional period.
Win Free Spins if your prediction is correct.
Significant Offer Terms and Conditions
- Available to new and eligible customers aged 24 and over only.
- The promotion runs from 10:00 GMT on 22nd November until 06:00 GMT on 24th November 2024.
- Predictions for the featured race can only be submitted during the promotional period. To make your prediction eligible you must stake €10 cash on eligible slots before the end of the promotional period.
- Eligible slots for both the staking requirement and using Free Spins are as follows: Blue Wizard, Book of Kings, FB: Golden Macaque, Fire Blaze Golden: Amazing Factory and Halloween Fortune.
- Only cash stakes made on the qualifying slots via Casino and Games contribute. Stakes made via Live Casino, Bingo or the Poker client do not contribute.
- You are only eligible to make one prediction for the featured race and once submitted, your prediction cannot be amended.
- Predictions are based on the result at the time of the podium presentation according to the official classification from the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the sport's governing body. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect this result.
- You will be credited with your Free Spins within 72 hours of the end of the featured race. Once credited, you will have three days to claim the Free Spins. Any unused Free Spins will be removed along with any winnings accrued within seven days of claiming. To accept your Free Spins you must log in to your account, open a game and click Accept.
- By making a prediction you are opting in and accepting the Terms and Conditions of the promotion.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
- Available to new and eligible customers aged 24 and over only. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
- The promotion runs from 10:00 GMT on 22nd November until 06:00 GMT on 24th November 2024.
- Predictions for the featured race can only be submitted during the promotional period. To make your prediction eligible you must stake €10 cash on eligible slots before the end of the promotional period.
- Stakes made after the promotional period will not count towards the qualifying wagering requirement for the respective race.
- You are only eligible to make one prediction for the featured race. Predictions can only be made at the top of this page. You must be logged in to your account to be able to make a prediction. Once you have submitted your prediction it cannot be amended.
- Eligible slots for both the staking requirement and using Free Spins are as follows: Blue Wizard, Book of Kings, FB: Golden Macaque, Fire Blaze Golden: Amazing Factory and Halloween Fortune.
- Only cash stakes made on the qualifying slots via Casino and Games contribute. Stakes made via Live Casino, Bingo or the Poker client do not contribute.
- Predictions are based on the result at the time of the podium presentation according to the official classification from the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the sport's governing body. Subsequent disqualifications and/or appeals will not affect this result.
- In the event that the featured race is postponed, abandoned or if Verstappen or Norris do not take part for any reason, all players who meet the qualifying criteria (by making a prediction and completing the staking requirement) will have 10 Free Spins credited to their account.
- By making a prediction you are opting in and accepting the Terms and Conditions of the promotion.
- If you wish to opt out of offers or promotions (including settlement features) please contact us at support-eng@customerservices365.com.
Generel information
- Disse regler og vilkår skal læses i sammenhæng med vores Generelle regler og vilkår.
- Indsatsen tilknyttet gratisspil sættes til minimum enhedsindsats, på det maksimale antal betalingslinjer, indenfor hvert kvalificerede spil. For eksempel, et spil med en minimum enhedsindsats på 0,10 kr. og et maksimum på 20 betalingslinjer vil have en gratisspilværdi på 2 kr. per gratisspil.
- Hvis der er brud på vilkårene for tilbuddet, eller der er bevis for, at en række væddemål indgået af en kunde eller en gruppe af kunder, som på grund af indbetalingsbonus, forhøjet betaling eller alle andre tilbud resulterer i garanteret kundeprofit, uanset resultatet, eller hvorvidt dette er begået som individ eller som del af en gruppe, kan bet365 kræve bonus- eller det forhøjede betalingselement tilbage ved sådanne tilbud, eller annullere ethvert væddemål finansieret af tilbuddet. Ydermere hvor der er bevis for sådanne aktiviteter, kan bet365 pålægge kunden administrative gebyrer, op til værdien af bonussen eller forhøjet betaling for at dække de administrative udgifter forbundet med at identificere og de anvendte midler mod aktiviteten.
- I et forsøg på at bekæmpe svigagtige aktiviteter, har bet365 indført metoder, som skal opfange og forhindre misbrug af dette tilbud. bet365 kan bede en hvilken som helst kunde om at fremskaffe tilstrækkelig tilfredsstillende dokumentation og/eller bekræftelsestiltag, under rimelige foranstaltninger, om kundens identitet, før vi krediterer deres konto med tilbud, bonusmidler og/eller gevinster.
- bet365 kan trække eventuelle gratisspil tilbage, som er blevet tildelt fejlagtigt.
- Alle kundetilbud er begrænset til ét per person. Hvis bet365 har rimelige grunde til at mistænke, at bonussen eller tilbuddet er blevet gjort krav på eller har givet fordel til den samme person eller gruppe af kunder mere end én gang, kan tilgængeligheden af eventuelle tilbud eller alle tilbud til denne kunde eller gruppe af kunder trækkes tilbage og/eller annullere ethvert væddemål finansieret af bonussen og fjerne gevinster, som kan tilskrives denne.
- bet365 kan til enhver tid foretage mindre ændringer til dette tilbud for at rette stavefejl eller for at forbedre klarheden eller kundeoplevelsen og kan annullere eller begrænse denne kampagne af juridiske, regulatoriske eller tekniske årsager.
- bet365 ansatte, reklamebureau, leverandører samt andre tilknyttede personer eller virksomheder kan ikke modtage bonussen. Dette er også gældende for disse personers nærmeste familie.
- Free Spins are awarded as per the table at the top of the page and will be credited within 72 hours of the end of the featured race. Once credited, you will have three days to claim the Free Spins. Any unused Free Spins will be removed along with any winnings accrued within seven days of claiming.
- To accept your Free Spins you must log in to your account, open a game and click Accept.
- Not all games are guaranteed to be available during the promotional period and selected eligible games might only be visible to customers who are logged in and whose accounts are verified.
- There is no wagering requirement attached to the Free Spins themselves. Once they have all been played any winnings accrued from play on Free Spins can be withdrawn or transferred at your discretion.